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Frequently Asked


1)       Do you offer rebates?

                  - Rebates are generally refunds of overcharge and Serv-A-Check does not overcharge anyone

2)       What does Guarantee mean?

- If the check meets our guarantee requirements, you get paid regardless of whether we collect funds or not.

           3)      What is Serv-A-Check settlement schedule?

- Our unique remittance schedule is every other week in order to quickly get your funds back working for you.

4)      How do I request a check to be returned to me?

- Our “No Questions Asked Policy” provides the return of your customers check immediately.  Simply call our Customer Service number at: 888-348-7469.

6)      Does Serv-A-Check have access to a check writer’s bank account?

- Yes, Serv-A-Check can draft funds from check writers accounts. We are able to do this because of the notice sticker next to your register

7)      What type of signs and decals are displayed?

- We provide the required check charge signs in the store for check service fees, but also give you positive worded signs describing your check acceptance policy.

8)      What happens when a customer comes into the store to pay a check?

- We suggest you refer the customer to us since we have his check.  If they insist on paying you, you need to include the service fee in the funds you accept.

9)      How do I explain the check acceptance procedures to my employees?

- We will supply a suggested check acceptance procedure for you to adopt and use.

10)    How do I renew my service?

- Renewal will automatically be sent to you 30 to 45 days before your renewal anniversary.

11)    Can I get a summary of my check inventory on hand if requested?

- Check activity/inventory are available at any time on request via our Customer Service number

12)    What legal support is offered to obtain payment?

- We have a full service legal action department with a retained attorney available for suit and garnishment

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